Changing regulatory environment, lower product quality, need to increase capacity, adverse mining conditions, and depleted low-cost reserves result in challenges that affect costs, productivity or compromise safety. WEIR’s extensive knowledge of the character and make-up of rock bodies, state-of-the-art analytical and field tools, and extensive production experience help clients solve difficult ground problems at either the feasibility stage or mine operations stage. WEIR has provided effective geological engineering services throughout the life of the mine, from conceptual design through reclamation and closure.
Mine subsidence services provided by WEIR are primarily evaluation and minimization of subsidence associated with active underground mining, and analysis and mitigation of subsidence associated with abandoned mines. Active mine subsidence prediction is undertaken by WEIR utilizing complementary modeling programs. The subsidence analysis is commonly conducted in conjunction with the pillar design and strata control. WEIR also provides structure evaluation services before and after subsidence has occurred.